Forkner Alphabet Shorthand — via reddit user u/Roxoviejo

On 2018-007-16, u/Roxoviejo posted this post (cited below), on subreddit r/shorthand

Forkner alphabet shorthand book — High resolution scan


Through this sub I found out about Forkner shorthand, and within a very short period I've fallen in love with the system. It doesn't have a steep learning curve and even with the few materials that are out there, fluency can be reached.

I found the instruction book from 1955 on Hathi Trust, but found that the scans offered there are of low resolution. Luckily I found a way to pull in a higher resolution version of each file and combined the pages to the book that can be found here:

[…] I think many people can benefit from learning Forkner, especially as an introduction to shorthand in general.

I have mirrored the file myself here: Forkner alphabet shorthand.pdf